
teaching philosophy:

I am someone who wants to learn as a teacher; I am always a student even when sharing my own knowledge. I believe that it is important to be empathetic as someone who is leading a class. I check-in with my students every class to make sure they are doing okay mentally and physically. If the students are having a rough day, I would be sure I am giving them a therapeutic class to make sure they are not overwhelmed. I am kind and generous — whenever I teach a phrase, I make sure that everyone in the class knows the combination by heart. I do not want to over-stress the students because it is important to know that they are learning and gaining knowledge from it.

I am ready to learn more as a teacher and as an educator. One of my favorite things to do with dance is to share my knowledge with the students to give them a different perspective about what they do. There are so many ways of dancing and creating within this art form, and I believe it is important to understand that this art is subjective. That being said, it is important to note that everybody will create art in different ways. I stand by this very much, and it is something I practice as a creator, dancer, and educator.

classes that were captured…


artistic statement…

Ever since I started improvising to my mom’s favorite music when I was 6 years old, I have known that music speaks to me in a unique way — I see the music when people dance. I push my boundaries in interesting ways; I challenge myself to generate interesting creations with a range of music from classical pieces from the 1700s to the theme songs of video games that I have played when I was a kid. Musicians can navigate the creation of music because they have musical scores to follow — creating dances, on the other hand, can be a different experience for everyone because you can create variations with any combination given to you. That is what I love about dance; you can create your own version of a phrase to define who you are as an artist.

I have embraced my hyperactivity since I was a kid — dance has given me a place to stay calm and find an outlet to express all of my high-strung personality that my peers could not always understand. Dance is the perfect way to express yourself nonverbally, and it has given me a way to communicate with my peers without talking. To me, that opportunity is priceless, especially as someone who finds language a challenge when communicating with others.

My art is ever-evolving. When I first came to college, I thought to hit every single beat in a song. However, now it is important for me to feel the music. I still strive for the uncommon beats that may catch people by surprise within the music, but I would also seek to feel what is best in my body. I know for a fact that upon graduation. I explore the sensation of my body and correlating it to the music frequently in my craft. I am always excited to see the infinite possibilities that I am able to interpret music in different ways.

Creating art through movement is so special because you can do it anywhere, anytime, and at any point. I am grateful to be able to do what I love for a living, and I am eager to explore more about this art as I am ever a student.